USANA 5 Day Reset Review | Day Three

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

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Thanks for checking in to see how I'm doing and my USANA Reset Review Day Three.  Today began with me on the scale.  This morning there is no weight loss to measure, I was exactly the same as yesterday, 195.2.  No matter, I am still happy with what I have been able to achieve so far.  I have my 16 ounces of water first thing and get my day started.
I have now settled in to my routine of having something every two hours although for some reason it gets confusing in the afternoon with the addition of the vegetables.  I don't know why that trips me up!  The slight headache that I've had the past couple of days is gone and hopefully will not return.  

According to the USANA FAQ's, headaches and fatigue are fairly common in many weight loss and exercise programs during the first two or three days due to adjustments in calories, carbohydrates, blood glucose levels, caffeine intake, or simply the nature of making sudden drastic lifestyle changes. If you experience headaches, fatigue, light headedness or extreme hunger, eat an additional serving of fruit or vegetables, or a low-GI meal. For this reason, make sure you check with your Doctor before beginning this or any weight loss program like I did. 

USANA Reset Challenges

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Today does come with it's own challenges.  Because it's Saturday and they tend to be less scheduled in my house.  I also love to watch cooking shows on PBS.  Today is not the day to watch Martha Stewart make indoor grilled chicken or Lidia Bastianich on her show Lidia's Italy with the Italian Food you can practically taste through the TV.  I turn off the TV and make better use of my time by walking a mile with a  Walk At Home Video I find on YouTube.  The program does say not to do intense workouts but I think it should be okay.  Heck it may even help on the scale tomorrow!

In the evening I had a slip up.  My children were invited to a last minute sleep over which meant my husband & I were able to have a date night.  We went to a local restaurant  and even though I had vegetables, (grilled artichoke & caesar salad) the artichoke was grilled in butter & garlic and everyone knows why caesar would be a no-no on the program.  Oh well, I'm not going to beat myself up over it.  I'm just going to keep it moving and hope the exercise offset any damage done.  When we get home I have my evening shake and my HealthPak.

USANA Reset Experience

I have to say so far I'm having a good experience on the USANA Reset.  I've proven to myself that I can do this so I've decided to continue and go for the Transformation Stage.  One tip: if you plan to continue, plan ahead with your Order.  All product is shipped out of Salt Lake City Utah.  I should have ordered yesterday so there wouldn't be a day when I'm without product.  Darn It!
I'm hitting the home stretch on the USANA Reset.  Let's see if I can actually achieve more  weight loss :)


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