Commercial toothpaste contains ingredients that can potentially harmful. Some of which can lead to serious long-term health problems. Some of the ingredients include Sodium Fluoride which is the key ingredients in several of the top brands. This chemical is a by-product of aluminum manufacturing and can also be found in rat poisons and industrial pesticides.
Another chemical usually found anti-bacterial products is triclosan which is also in many brands of toothpaste. TheEPA classifies chemical as a pesticide and states it poses a risk to both human health and the environment. It has even been suspected of causing cancer in humans. Yikes Right!!!
Added as a detergent and cleansing agent, sodium laurel sulfate poses a wide range of potential health risks. On its own, sodium laurel can damage eyes, irritate skin and lead to labored breathing. and DEA, in products that foam, including toothpaste. DEA disrupts hormones and forms cancer-causing nitrates and can lead to increased risk of liver and kidney cancers.
USANA Natural Whitening Toothpaste Review
In contrast, USANA Natural Whitening Toothpaste is unique because of what it doesn’t have. USANA has no artificial colors, no artificial sweeteners & no artificial flavors and no fluoride. This gentle formula removes plaque to clean teeth and fights bacteria to control bad breath. It also has antioxidants and vitamins strengthen teeth and gums.
Instead of Sodium Flouride, USANA Natural Whitening Toothpaste uses Silica which stains without bleach or harsh abrasives. The addition of Vitamin E moisturizes & soothes irritated gums which is a feature you won’t find in other toothpaste brands and Poly-C rounds out the ingredients and helps promote optimum oral health.
I use USANA Natural Whitening Toothpaste now and I have a fresh, clean feeling after brushing. It also makes me good that my toothpaste doesn’t come with a warning label.
USANA Natural Whitening Toothpaste Review Challenge
So here is a challenge. Go to your medicine cabinet and check out the label on your toothpaste. Then give USANA Natural Whitening Toothpaste a try!
To your total Health!
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