USANA 5 Day Reset Kit Reviews | 6 Tips for Success

Sunday, March 15, 2015

So today I'm on the USANA 5 Day Reset Day Five, I woke up ready to finish strong. I have to say I've done my share of programs that are supposed to "cleanse" you that were much worse than this.  I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I never experienced hunger with the USANA Reset Kit.  And honestly by the end of the Reset, I don't crave fast food or sweets.  This coming from a girl that used to have a Reese's every night before bed.  (I know, they add up quick)
I headed off to the scale to see if I was going to have any more weight loss.  Even if it was a few ounces, I'd take it.  I wanted to have a strong number just to prove to myself that I could do this program & it was not a waste of time or money.  So at the beginning of my plan I was 198.4 and at final weigh in of the USANA 5 Day Reset I weighed 194.2.  I lost a total of 4.2 Pounds and feel really good.  I also went down some percentage points in my BMI so I am happy with the product. 

I've decided to continue with USANA and move on to Phase 2.  But for those of you still on the fence about trying it, I want to give you some things to keep in mind: 

  • USANA Reset Kit is designed to help you jump start into healthy eating and make a break from high glycemic foods.  
  • Think of this program as a method for your body to reset itself so you don't experience the cravings for high carb, high sugar foods. 
  • Don't try to do this process on your own.  Make sure that you have the help of a USANA Associate who can give you precise instructions for your body type. 
  • Make sure you are always prepared.  You are going to be consuming USANA Foods, fruits and vegetables several times a day.  If you are prepared for your day, you are unlikely to cheat or make unhealthy choices. 
  • Talk about your doctor if you are under care for any medical condition.  It's important that they know about your wellness goals and how you plan to reach them. 
  • Have a continuation plan for afterward.  I know it might be tempting to come off of the USANA Reset and go back to old habits.  Instead, keep the momentum going!  And if you plan on continuing with USANA, have your next order placed by Day Three of your Reset. 

Bottom line is I can't be happier that I took the Reset Challenge.  It proved that it was a program I could follow and it works!  Like everything else that's worth anything, it requires energy and work & I'm willing to do it.  So what are you waiting for?  You've read usana review after usana review & sooner or later you'll have to decide whether you are willing to take the chance in order to make change in your life.  I did and I'm seeing it in results and you certainly can too! 


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