What is USANA Reset Transform Phase

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

If you have read any of my previous posts about the USANA 5 Day Reset Kit, you have seen that I like millions of others have experienced great success with USANA Products.  USANA Shakes are good, USANA Bars are yummy (Usana Choco Chip is my favorite) and really like that USANA Supplements were even included in the USANA 5 Day Reset Kit.  But what's next after losing 5.2 Pounds in 5 Days?  You keep the momentum going by moving into the USANA Reset Transform Phase. 

What is USANA Reset Transform Phase

The USANA Transform Phase is designed to keep the momentum going after completing the USANA Reset 5 Day Kit.  It helps you as you continue to make healthy habits a way of life. During the Usana Transformation Phase, you can achieve your ideal weight and transform your body by following simple steps daily.  

USANA Reset Transform Phase Directions 

The USANA Reset Transform Phase instructions are simple.  You replace two meals with USANA Nutrimeal™ shakes, eat one USANA Bar for a snack, eat one meal that is low glycemic meal & one low glycemic snack.  At this time you can resume your normal program of moderate exercise.  I go to Daily Burn, Netflix or even Hulu to put a little variety into my workouts.  And of course YouTube is loaded with fitness videos for every level.  It is also important that you continue your USANA Essentials™, HealthPak™, or MyHealthPak™.  The final piece of the puzzle is to drink plenty of water.

During the USANA Reset Transform Phase, you are encouraged to eat plenty of fresh fruits & vegetables along with lean proteins.  Limit all high glycemic items like sugar, bread, flour, rice, cereal, pasta, and potatoes. Diet drinks are okay along with black coffee, or tea.   

USANA Reset Transform Phase Tips for Success 

So as usual, I'd like to leave you with some tips on how to be successful during the USANA Reset Transform Phase: 
  • Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily 
  • Get moving & follow a moderate exercise program
  • Always have your USANA Products on hand.  Success is determined by being prepared so don't run out :) 
  • Limit alcohol intake while on the program. Avoid mixes that are usually high sugar & beer if possible. 
  • Take your Supplements.  This is a critical step 
  • Talk to your Doctor about this or any program if you are being seen for any health condition. 
So if you've finished the USANA 5 Day Reset and wondering "what's next?"  It's all about USANA Reset Transform Phase.  Don't lose your momentum, Click to  Order USANA Products and keep it going!  


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