USANA True Health Assessment Review

Friday, March 27, 2015

Have you ever had this experience? You go to the local Safeway ,Walgreens or online at Amazon searching for quality supplements. You stand in the middle of the aisle like a deer in the headlights not really knowing what to buy, what brand is better or the combinations that are right for you. And even if you did go with a recommendation of what supplement to take, there are hundreds of different brands. You end up returning with whatever you had the courage to buy; which becomes yet another pill bottle taking up space in your medicine cabinet because you are not seeing results. Well you no longer have to go through this. The solution to all of that headache and guess work is the USANA True Health Assessment.

The USANA True Health Assessment is a personalized web based assessment module designed to make your nutritional regimen as cutting edge as the products. It asks questions pertaining to human health, & you get a Risk Assessment, Lifestyle Plan, and a complete listing of your products ranked from top to bottom, based your health needs and wellness goals. Together, these are designed to get you on, and stay on, your road to optimal health. USANA True Health Assessment is an excellent tool for those who want a do it yourself approach to wellness with some powerful take away information. Information you share with our nutrition and wellness experts like your personal and family history, and in minutes send you 3 reports that will provide you with not only great tips for lifestyle adjustments for optimal health, but you will also get recommendations to assist you with customizing your nutritional supplementation.

This is great because the Health Assessments are generated by those with extensive product knowledge. And from that information, recommendations are made. What impressed me the most about the USANA True Health Assessment was the Top Health Risk Areas. I learned that there were areas of my personal health that required attention now to for better health tomorrow. I also liked the fact that I can print my result for my records and my information is never shared.  But if I want to speak with someone, my USANA Associate's information was at the top of the page.

USANA True Health Assessment Review, Claudia Hill, Health, Assessment, Self, Health Assessment, Free Health Assessment, Free Online Health Assessment, Online Health Assessment, USANA Health Assessment, Free USANA Health Assessment, True Health Assessment, Self Assessment, Self Health Assessment, Personalize, Personalization

So click HERE and take the  USANA True Health Assessment.   I highly encourage you to take a few minutes and see what the experts come up with for you. You'll see why a personal approach is the best approach to health & wellness! Besides, it a much better use of your time then the latest survey from Cosmo or the Times!


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