Ways to Boost your reach on Pinterest with Rich Pins

Thursday, April 9, 2015

 I have to admit, I am Pinterest Obessed. I am one of those people that spend countless hours Pinning beautiful images from all over the Web. It was bad before, but now that I am a Independent USANA Associate, it's even worse! https://www.pinterest.com/ is the way that I am most comfortable with getting the message out about the Benefits of USANA Products & sharing the USANA Catalogue with others that are interested in Wellness. And it makes sense because a good portion of what is on Pinterest deals with Nutrition and Fitness. Knowing that, Pinterest has created new ways to boost your reach on Pinterest with Rich Pins.

 Pinterest and Small Business 

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What I love about Pinterest is that it gives even small businesses like mine the freedom to what works best for their organizations. I find that Pinterest is not like other social media platforms like Facebook & Insagram where it's dependent on who you know and secret groups. Your message can be conveyed easily and in a non threatning way. But Rich Pins are not just for the business owner. Rich Pins are a referral tool that anyone can use to drive traffic back to a site. It can be a school website, or a major Department Store like Macys or Nordstrom. Rich Pins should not be confused with Promoted Pins. The are completely different. Rich Pins are Pinterest's way of advertising that are actually free for businesses. They contain detailed product information, from real-time pricing to availability and where to buy an item. Promoted Pins are paid for by Businesses.

Promoted Pins vs. Rich Pins 

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Currently, there are two different types of Promoted Pins CPM, or cost per impression model which is used to generate brand awareness, & CPC, or cost per click model, which is for businesses that want a targeted audience for their Pinterest Pins. I will personally stick with the free Rich Pins because my marketing budget is somewhat limited! There are some out there that would say that Pinterest doesn't have the audience of Facebook or the feel of Instagram, but I think it's better because when you go on Pinterest, it's like thumbing through the pages of a really good magazine. It's also an adventure. You never know what the next pin is going to reveal. And there are millions of users. It's also neat to see other people's view of the world and what they're about and interaction with others has certain ease.

Ways to Boost Your Reach on Pinterest with Rich Pins Marketing Analysis 

The other thing that is great about Rich Pins is that they pull through item data such as name, price and availability. Because of that I am going to do my own marketing analysis comparing Pinterest and Facebook. I am going to place the same post on both Social Media sites. On Facebook, I'll use the Boost Post Feature & on Pinterest I'll use the Rich Pin. I can almost guarantee that I will see more traffic back to this blog from Pinterest. And with the Rich Pin being a zero cost method, it ranks right up there in one of the best ways to boost your reach for your online business.

Why don't you give Rich Pins a try as well?  Do your own Marketing Analysis and tell us what your experience is.  And while you're on Pinterest, don't forget to Follow Us!


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